<% DBPath = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" DBPath = DBPath & Server.MapPath("voto.mdb") set conntemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conntemp.Open DBPath set sresults=conntemp.execute("select * from pVotes where Counter > 0 order by Counter desc") ' set sresults=conntemp.execute("select * from pVotes order by Counter") ' set sresults=conntemp.execute("select * from pVotes where ID < 10 order by Counter") %> Best of Photovista <%if sresults.eof then response.write("Nix gefunden!! ") end if%> <%do while not sresults.eof%>
/<%=sresults("Filename")%>" height="333" width="500">


Anzahl Punkte: <%=sresults("Counter")%>

File: <%=sresults("Filename")%>
ID: <%=sresults("ID")%> | Country: <%=sresults("Country")%>
Neg: <%=sresults("Negative")%> | IsActive: <%=sresults("IsActive")%> | Votes: <%=sresults("Counter")%>
<%sresults.movenext%> <%loop%>
Copyrights of all photos by Philipp Blatter, just write for reproduction to phipx@bluewin.ch
<%=date %>. Brought to you by www.samplezone.ch | Feedback-Formular